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    Coding Bootcamps
    in New York City Guide

    Coding bootcamps, salaries of coding roles and coding events in NYC.

    Learn to Code in New York City with Fullstack Academy

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    Coding Bootcamps in New York City Guide

    A well-established tech hub, New York is home to a wide range and variety of coding employment opportunities–from freelancing, to start-ups, to innovative companies and organizations both within and outside the tech sphere. Leading the nation in the number of Fortune 500 companies, according to the investment firm Lightspeed, NYC is home to nearly every type of coding role.

    New York City has always been a special place for Fullstack Academy, too. While we’ve expanded since our founding as a Manhattan startup in 2012, NYC is still the place we call home—and where we maintain a close relationship of growth and partnership with the city and its people.

    For example, Fullstack Academy has partnered with several New York City government agencies to offer tech training opportunities in coding and other subject areas to eligible New Yorkers at low or no cost.

    This connection is made apparent in every aspect of our tech ed programs. As the city’s tech hub evolves, our New York City coding bootcamps are constantly evolving with it: keeping up with industry trends, emerging technologies, and top employer needs.

    A closer look at Fullstack Academy’s coding bootcamps in NYC will demonstrate the benefits of this type of program and the kinds of salaries, jobs, and employers they open up in New York, along with other resources for coders based in New York.

    Coding Bootcamps in NYC: The Need for Coders

    In New York, across the U.S., and globally, companies need more skilled coding professionals. Due to the ever-increasing demand for the web and mobile applications that power our day-to-day lives, software engineers and other programmers remain in high demand. In the U.S. alone:

    • Firms posted 1.5 million tech job openings in the first quarter of 2024—an uptick of about 500,000 from the end of 2023—according to CompTIA.

    • Positions for software developers are projected to grow by 25% over the next decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

    • The New York metropolitan area employed 105,460 software developers in 2023 (, 2024).

    With the continuing need for programming talent, business leaders across the country are calling on educators to make computer skills a priority.

    An increasingly popular, rapid, and effective way to meet that need is the coding bootcamp: a specialized educational program in which Fullstack Academy has been a pioneer.

    What Is a Coding Bootcamp?

    A coding bootcamp is basic training for programmers. It’s an immersive, short-term training program designed to equip a student with enough skills and experience to get hired for an entry-level programming job.

    Coding bootcamps can last from six to 24 weeks—the average being 14 weeks, according to Course Report’s nationwide survey.

    Bootcamp education is also designed to be more specialized, flexible, and accelerated than traditional education paths. An online coding bootcamp, for example, allows students to attend from almost anywhere, study part-time, and graduate job-ready in less than a year.

    While typically geared towards preparing students for the software engineering workforce, coding bootcamps may vary widely in curriculum, format, depth of material, and potential outcomes. Read on to learn more about the range of bootcamp types and determine which is right for you.

    Why Choose a Coding Bootcamp

    It’s easy to understand why bootcamps have become a common route for entering the world of coding. For students with no experience, as well as those expanding their skill sets, they offer numerous advantages over conventional computer education.

    1. Cost-Effectiveness

    According to Course Report, bootcamps cost an average of $14,000—but they can provide a return on the investment quickly. In Course Report’s 2023 survey, graduates around the country had an average starting salary of $70,000.

    The expense can also pale in comparison to that of a college degree in computer science. Tuition and fees for a four-year degree range from $41,540 at an in-state public institution to $157,600 at a private one, according to the College Board.

    2. Hiring Success

    Coding bootcamps are highly successful in getting graduates into the workforce, with 79% of graduates getting jobs in programming in an average of 1-6 months, according to Course Report.

    That’s partly because most bootcamps offer a combination of career coaching, networking opportunities, internships, and other career-building services. They help students write resumes and build and grow compelling profiles and portfolios on sites like LinkedIn and GitHub.

    3. In-Demand Skills

    Top bootcamps teach the programming languages and development frameworks that employers are looking for, such as Ruby, Python, JavaScript, and PHP.

    Students learn those skills by doing as well as reading. Top bootcamps offer project-based learning, in which students collaborate with others to create apps and design websites. Students graduate with not only a certificate of completion but also a portfolio of work that demonstrates what they’re capable of doing.

    4. Accelerated Career Change

    Most bootcamp students aren’t new to the workforce. The average student has at least an associate’s degree and seven years of work experience, according to the Course Report survey.

    What they are new to is programming. Many bootcamp students are transitioning from careers in unrelated fields and they’re looking to make the transition in a minimum amount of time and expense.

    Financial Assistance

    While bootcamps involve a financial commitment, most help students research various payment options.

    • Scholarships may reduce the cost of tuition.

    • Employers may offer reimbursement for bootcamp tuition.

    • Local or regional government assistance programs may be available, depending on income and location.

    • For certain Fullstack Academy coding bootcamps in NYC, veterans, women, and other communities may be eligible for partial scholarships.

    • Personal loans may be available to pay for a bootcamp at the student’s discretion, either through various lending options or the student’s personal financial institution.

    • Eligible Fullstack Academy bootcamp students may also qualify for payment plans.

    Typical Coding Salaries in New York City

    Fullstack Academy’s New York coding bootcamps ask students to make a financial investment in their future coding careers. However, such investments can begin to pay off as soon as a graduate becomes employed. That’s especially true for coders in the New York metropolitan area.

    • Tech employment firm Dice ranks NYC tech salaries as the third highest in the country, behind only those in Silicon Valley and Seattle, Washington.

    • BLS data shows that developer salaries in NYC average up to 15% higher than the national average.

    The longer a programmer’s career, the higher dividends that self-investment in training can pay. Salaries for experienced software developers can be more than double entry-level earnings, according to 2023 data from the BLS.

    Software Developers

    • Mean salary, NYC: $150,020

    • Mean salary, nationwide: $138,110

    • Entry-level salaries, nationwide: $64,000–$91,000

    • Experienced developer salaries, nationwide: $152,000–$169,000

    Web Developers

    • Mean salary, NYC: $98,090

    • Mean salary, nationwide: $95,970

    • Entry-level salaries, nationwide: $38,000–$51,000

    • Experienced developer salaries, nationwide: $101,000–$130,000

    Types of Coding Bootcamps

    Another reason for the popularity of bootcamps is that they come in various types and formats. Whether students want to attend full or part-time, in person or remotely, they can find a bootcamp to fit their situation.

    As the profession seeks to diversify, students can also find specialized bootcamps for demographics that programming has traditionally overlooked, offering programs and assistance tailored to their needs.

    Fullstack Academy’s coding bootcamps in New York City are taught in a live online format. A look at them shows several options to accommodate student needs and goals.

    Full-Time Software Engineering Immersive

    This 12-week bootcamp aims to help students of all skill levels accelerate their coding careers. It teaches advanced JavaScript, along with cutting-edge tools, such as Git, GitHub, VS Code, and Chrome Dev Tools. Much of the coursework includes mentoring, self-paced learning, and other forms of personalized instruction.

    Part-Time Software Engineering Immersive

    For students who need to balance class time with work or life commitments, this part-time bootcamp offers the same software engineering material as the full-time bootcamp, spread out over 28 weeks.

    Coding Bootcamp for Women

    Named after the programming pioneer who developed the compiler, the Grace Hopper Program Coding Bootcamp works to close the gender gap in tech. In 12-28 weeks of full-time or part-time study, it prepares women and nonbinary students for careers in software engineering.

    Besides the same technical curriculum as the Fullstack Academy Software Engineering Bootcamp, the Grace Hopper Program provides a gender-allied experience. It offers support, such as career counseling, for overcoming systemic barriers faced by women tech, along with a supportive community of other students.

    Top Employers Hiring in NYC

    NYC ranked as the #6 city for tech job openings in 2023, according to data compiled by Dice. Although most U.S. tech giants are headquartered elsewhere, many have large NYC operations due to the city’s central place in the U.S. and world economies.

    Many of these tech giants have also hired Fullstack Academy New York City coding bootcamp graduates. Below are some major examples.

    1. Google

    Google, the chief subsidiary of Alphabet, began as a search engine but has branched into technologies from mobile phones to self-driving cars. The Google NYC campus is its second-largest outside the Bay Area.

    2. Amazon

    Although it canceled plans to move one of its headquarters to NYC, the e-commerce and streaming entertainment giant Amazon has continued its local hiring efforts.

    3. American Express

    Technology has always been key to both banking and travel, making American Express, headquartered in NYC, a major tech as well as a major financial one.

    4. Etsy

    Headquartered in Brooklyn, Etsy has evolved into a high-end global flea market. It provides a platform for artisans to sell both handmade and vintage items, from clothing and jewelry to furniture, tools, and art.

    5. More Tech Employers

    Other tech companies that have hired significant numbers of Fullstack Academy New York coding bootcamp graduates span a wide range of industries:

    • Spotify: Streaming music

    • Wayfair: Online retail

    • Facebook: Social media

    • BlackRock: Private equity

    • Datadog: Cloud software

    • Bloomberg: Communications and data

    Coding Events in New York City

    Employers and jobs are just part of the coding infrastructure in NYC. The city abounds with opportunities to meet other coders, both in person and online.

    Such events provide opportunities to learn, find colleagues to code with, share moral support, and get leads on companies and possible jobs. Below is a selection of local coding events, groups, and meetups for students from coding bootcamps in New York looking to further their careers.

    Events and Groups

    • Fullstack Academy Events: Tech career-focused seminars offering advice to prospective bootcamp students and other career changers.

    • CodeDay New York: The NYC edition of a worldwide event in which student coders, actors, writers, musicians, and artists meet to collaboratively create apps and games.

    • CC Fest NYC: A free event held in person for NYC residents and online for others, with programming seminars oriented toward students and teachers.

    • NY Tech Alliance: A network that promotes diversity and inclusion in tech, sponsoring speeches by tech entrepreneurs and promoting other community events, from job-hunting advice to the salvaging of electronic parts from trash.

    • TechConnect: This program of the New York Public Library offers free introductory and advanced classes in coding and other computer-related topics.

    • TECHSPO New York: An annual tech expo that showcases innovations and provides networking opportunities for programmers and other tech enthusiasts.


    • Hacker Hours: A network of expert coders who hold open “office hours” at scheduled times during the week, both online and in locations around the city. Coders of any experience level can bring their problems and get assistance.

    • LiveCode.NYC: A coalition of programmers and developers, who meet to not only discuss coding but also write code collaboratively in real-time.

    • NYC Codecademy: Codecademy, which offers free online beginners’ courses, sponsors meetups around the city in which students can compare notes and learn from one another.

    • Operation Code: NYC: A nonprofit that helps current and former military personnel learn about programming and break into the tech industry.


    • A coding bootcamp is an immersive training program aimed at preparing students for employment in tech roles such as software developer or web developer. Bootcamps offer several advantages to students compared with traditional academic programs:

      • It’s an intensive learning experience for those who want to change careers quickly.

      • Some bootcamps, including Fullstack Academy’s, offer online and part-time options, for students who want to maintain their job while they study.

      • Fullstack Academy bootcamps focus on programming languages widely in demand by employers, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

      • Many bootcamps offer career support services for students, such as career coaching or job search assistance.

      • 3 out of 5 students get coding jobs within 6 months after graduation, according to a 2023 survey by Course Report.

    • Software engineers earn a median salary of $124,200 a year, while web developers earn a median of $80,730, according to Glassdoor (February 2024).

    • According to a survey by Course Report, the average bootcamp runs 14 weeks. At Fullstack Academy, coding bootcamps range from 12 to 28 weeks in length, depending on the program.

      When searching for a bootcamp, find a program that fits your unique scheduling needs. For instance, Fullstack Academy offers part-time and full-time live online tech bootcamps with immersive curricula and career support to help beginners and seasoned professionals looking to gain the skills employers want. Fullstack Academy Software Engineering Bootcamp students graduate with foundational and advanced skills, career coaching for up to a year following graduation, and a dynamic portfolio of projects to show prospective employers.

      Learn more about comprehensive coding education with Fullstack Academy.


    CEOs for Computer Science, “Computer Science: Opportunity for Every Student”CNET, “Amazon Continues Expansion in New York City Even after HQ2 Debacle”College Board, Trends in College Pricing: HighlightsCourse Report, Coding Bootcamps in 2021CompTIA State of the Tech Workforce 2024Course Report, Coding Bootcamps in 2024Dice, “Dice Tech Salary Report: Which Metro Areas Offer the Highest Salaries?”Etsy, Etsy, Inc. Q3 2022GeekWire, “Amazon Tops 1M U.S. Employees”Google, “Increasing Google’s Investment in New York”IDC, “Quantifying the Worldwide Shortage of Full-Time Developers”, American Express ProfileU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Software DevelopersU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Software Developers, Quality Assurance Analysts, and TestersU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Web DevelopersU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Web Developers and Digital Designers