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    Meet a Coding Instructor: Aaron Katz

    By The Fullstack Academy Team

    Instructor video aaron katz

    Aaron Katz’s experience as a professional software engineer and teaching students of all professional backgrounds how to code has helped him to identify—and succinctly illustrate—what it takes to be successful in the field.

    Using the analogy of building a house, Aaron describes the respective roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within a web page. Assuming HTML and CSS make up the overall style and frame of a house, then JavaScript represents its functional aspects—like plumbing and electricity. There can be many ways to accomplish a desired function, so web developers and home builders alike rely on their persistence to create solutions.

    Watch the full video to learn more about the Fullstack Academy Coding Bootcamp, its curriculum and instructional approach, and how career preparation and student support set the bootcamp apart from other training options.