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    Why Coding Alum Inkyeong Jang Persisted In Bootcamp and Beyond

    By The Fullstack Academy Team

    Large Alumni Story Coding Bootcamp and Beyond

    While experiences of Fullstack Academy bootcamps vary based on the individual, alumni stories usually feature a consistent throughline: that completing bootcamp is incredibly rewarding—in part because it’s also very challenging!

    As coding bootcamp graduate Inkyeong Jang points out, it’s important that students understand the dedication needed to be successful in bootcamp and beyond. Jang’s story also emphasizes the value of Fullstack Academy instructional support, and how to utilize it in and outside of class to support your development. This practice of asking for help and effectively collaborating with both peers and instructors sets the stage for achievement not only in bootcamp, but as part of the software engineering workforce.

    Now on the other side of this phase of her coding journey, Jang reflects upon the technical, interpersonal, and professional skills that she learned in bootcamp:

    “I've learned so many skills during the bootcamp that it's hard to list them all. But I think the best part was being able to absorb basic coding knowledge in such a short amount of time. Vanilla JavaScript was the most challenging for me, but the advice to wake up every morning, have a cup of coffee, and start coding was incredibly helpful.”

    In addition to the general rigors of bootcamp, Jang contended with challenges unique to those who speak English as a second language:

    “Since English isn't my first language, I had to translate algorithm problems from English to Korean in my head, think of the solution in Korean, and then translate it back into JavaScript. It felt like I was using three languages at once, but as I solved coding problems every morning, I started to overcome that difficulty.”

    After rising to the challenge of, essentially, coding in multiple languages, Jang was better able to recognize her own gains. She felt a particular sense of satisfaction when moving into more advanced, back-end concepts.

    “Although I was more familiar with front-end development, back-end development was completely new to me. Learning back-end concepts and using them to create my capstone project gave me an immense sense of satisfaction. The idea of building a server and retrieving data was fascinating, and it made the capstone project both fun and rewarding for me.”

    This achievement was huge, if hard-won. Jang expresses feeling anxious and overwhelmed at times but was reluctant to ask for help. Finally, she confided in a mentor that she needed additional guidance.

    “Having access to open support in the full-time cohort was incredibly helpful. When I encountered problems that I couldn't solve on my own, having someone guide me in the right direction and explain the logic behind it provided a sense of reassurance. The satisfaction and insights gained from solving each problem gave me the motivation to work even harder. Additionally, when I told my mentor in the previous class about the difficulties I was experiencing, he readily went over the units I was struggling with through one-on-one meetings. [My instructor] asked me to think about whether I would rather be too shy to ask questions or feel embarrassed later for not knowing anything after all the classes were done. Every instructor and mentor has been incredibly supportive, no matter how "silly" my questions might have seemed (though they assured me there are no silly questions). They patiently explained things at my level and helped me understand.”

    Now, Jang feels that she has the tools to combat the feeling of falling behind, and shares with prospective students how to move forward with confidence:

    “The first thing I'd like to emphasize is to be prepared. The bootcamp moves quickly, with lots of assignments and the need for constant interaction with your classmates . . . so don't be afraid to ask questions. There were times when I held back because I felt embarrassed, but looking back, I regret it. Fullstack Academy offers a wealth of teaching and information, so make sure to take full advantage of that.”

    Congratulations, Inkyeong Jang! We at Fullstack Academy are inspired by your tenacity and are grateful to have been part of your success story.

    Still unsure if bootcamp training is right for you? Connect with a student advisor when you apply today, and receive honest answers to any additional questions you may have.

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